
Vision: We exist to enable and mobilize the body of Christ in strength for credible Christian leadership; Grace Restoration, orthodoxy in education and in conferencing Accountabilities having an eternal commitment to developing and reflecting the character of Christ.

The Cornerstone Foundation embraces the historic orthodox Christian faith, including the following evangelical expressions:

  • We believe that God has spoken and faithfully superintended the recording of His Word to a trustworthy point of reference. We believe the Bible to be inerrant in the original autographs.
  • We believe in the triune Godhead, the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His deity and humanity, His sinlessness and atoning death, and His bodily resurrection from the grave. We believe in His bodily ascension back to heaven, His priestly intercession, His gift of the Holy Spirit back to the church, His bodily second coming back to earth, the judgment of all mankind, and eternal life with God in heaven or eternal death banished from his presence.
  • We believe in the necessity of God’s grace for the salvation of man, and the necessity of faith on the part of man in God’s offer of salvation. We believe in the Christian responsibility to the great commission of Christ to go, teach, and make disciples of people of all nations. (See Statement of Faith)